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40 Arrested for Refusing to Leave Anti-Israel Rally at Designated Time, Assaulting Cops

Jerusalem, May 12, 2023

Police Clash as Tensions Surge During Protest

The Jerusalem Police arrested 40 individuals on Sunday night after they refused to disperse from an anti-Israel rally beyond its designated time and allegedly assaulted police officers attempting to enforce the restriction. The incident took place in the city center, where hundreds had gathered for the demonstration.

As the rally approached its scheduled conclusion, police announced that the event had ended and instructed participants to vacate the area. However, a significant number of protesters remained on the scene, reportedly chanting anti-Israel slogans and blocking traffic. When police officers moved in to disperse the crowd, they were met with resistance.

According to police reports, several protesters physically assaulted officers, punching, kicking, and throwing objects at them. The situation quickly escalated into a full-blown clash, with officers firing stun grenades and water cannons to subdue the rioters. In the ensuing chaos, 40 individuals were apprehended and taken into custody, and six officers were reported injured.

The arrests have drawn widespread condemnation, with civil rights groups claiming excessive force was used by the police. The incident has also raised concerns about the escalating tensions between pro-Israeli and anti-Israeli groups in Jerusalem, with authorities urging both sides to exercise restraint and respect the law.

The investigation into the incident is ongoing, and the arrested individuals will be facing charges of rioting, assault on police officers, and obstruction of justice. The event serves as a reminder of the complex and delicate balance that must be maintained in preserving both the right to protest and the safety of all citizens.


